Bugs Fixed: -Controller support has been widely updated. -No longer hijacks controls when controller is active, you can freely switch between keyboard/controller. -New 8 directional movement makes using the analog sticks feel much nicer for movement. -remappable controls for the entire controller as well as a toggle for using the d-pad or analog stick for movement. (still kinda buggy, PAUSE > SETTINGS > CONTROLS > GAMEPAD SETTINGS to get to the gamepad menu) -Currently navigating to this menu MUST be done via keyboard/mouse navigation, I am still rewriting the code to work with gamepad controls Improvements: -Main menu system clean ups -Newsfeed protocol switched to new domain -Game now has 8 diretional movement -Newsfeed Links system has been tweaked. Now just click the active entry to get a prompt asking if you'd like to visit the link. This prompt also shows the source of the link for safe web travels! Features: No feature work this week, sorry!